I think that girls always complaining about us when they take us shopping with them. They don’t like as moaning about them looking at one pair of shoes for twenty minutes. But try to look at this with our eyes! Yeah, for me spending one day in the mart or calling shopping your hobby is also a really crazy thing. We men usually need from the clothes only the simplest things: It must be functional (i.e. keeping me warm or covered), fit, priced reasonably and look descent (if it is not ragged and has no strange colors – that’s enough). Usually I can spend 3 minutes and take it to the cashier while it takes 30 minutes from all the females I know to do the same.
But we guys also have something like this. If we go to the computer shop for example we can walk there for several hours and finally buy nothing. Women finally buy something at least!
Maybe girls like shopping more because they want to be attractive and the men don’t because they usually not putting so much attention to their own appearance? Ok, girls, you must understand that when a man sees a woman he never looks at those shoes it took her so much time to choose! If women think that the most important think is to look great, maybe we guys must use that knowledge about them and be the best shoppers?